


[Ruins.In.Progress.] is an ongoing multi-modal poetry project combining elements of memoir, research, photography, sound-art & performance to document the collision of various aspects of my own identity as they exist with & further complicate my Queer experience. Landscapes of urban & rural construction sites / demolition zones / gentrification areas serve as the points of collision for these identities while also providing a language for me to explore the strange kinship I feel for other structures & spaces in constant flux.

Installations of the project involving text / sound / video & other mediums can be found at various digital publications & have been incorporated into a number of spatial collaborative works in New York City. I use the word “installation” here more literally than figuratively, as I’ve always envisioned this project spatially, occurring where it might be met physically in the world, as opposed to existing within the pages of a book. By abandoning the book-object as the ultimate product, I have been able to experiment towards a new landscape of possibilities.

Below, you will find links to existing digital publications, where possible, as well as (in some cases) reconstructions of pieces whose original home has folded. Such is the nature of an archive. Even a digital House may crumble.